
Apache Solr

Get the powerful full-text search of Apache Solr with the availability and scalability of Riak® KV. As data changes, search indexes are automatically synchronized and integrated search makes it easy to query Riak KV data sets using Apache Solr.

Write it like Riak. Query it like Solr.

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Write it like Riak KV. Query it like Solr. Combining the strength of Riak KV’s scalable, distributed NoSQL database with the powerful full-text search functionality of Apache Solr allows transparent indexing and querying of Riak KV so the unstructured data you store is easily retrieved for use by applications. You also get support for Apache Solr client query APIs that enables integration with existing software solutions, either homegrown or commercial.

As part of Riak Search, you have access to the entire set of Apache Solr’s extremely broad APIs. This enables you to do Solr queries on the basis of wildcards, strings, booleans, geolocation, ranges, language-specific full-text, and far more. After connecting a Riak KV bucket type to a Solr index, you simply write values (such as JSON, XML, plain text, Riak Data Types, etc.) into Riak KV as normal, and then query those indexed values using the Solr API.

With the Solr Add-on, Riak KV is responsible for data and Solr is responsible for indexes. So Riak monitors for changes to data and propagates those changes to indexes that are managed by Solr, resulting in data synchronization that’s critical for ensuring that full-text search results remain up-to-date as data changes.

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Distributed Full-Text Search

Connect to one, talk to all.
Standard full-text Solr queries automatically expand into distributed search queries for a complete result set across instances.

Ad-Hoc Query Support

Ask a question, any question.
Broad support is provided for Solr query parameters, e.g., exact match, range queries, and/or/not, sorting, pagination, scoring, ranking, etc.

Index Synchronization

Automate and propagate.
Data is automatically synchronized between Riak KV and Solr using intelligent monitoring to detect changes and propagates those changes to Solr indexes.

Solr API Support

Integrate with existing software.
Query Riak KV data using existing Solr APIs to add a powerful data source to all your Big Data applications.


Full speed ahead, no delays.
Monitor Solr OS processes continuously and automatically start or restart them whenever failures are detected.

Application Simplicity

Avoid complications.
Integrate and update real-time analytics, caching and search technologies to simplify the design and operations of Big Data Applications.