July 15, 2010
Map-Reduce is a flexible and powerful alternative to declarative query languages like SQL that takes advantage of Riak’s distributed architecture. However, it requires a whole new way of thinking about how to collect, process, and report your data, and is tightly coupled to how your data is stored in Riak.
We invite you to join us for a free webinar on Thursday, July 22 at 2:00PM Eastern Time (UTC-4) to talk about Map-Reduce Querying in Riak. We’ll discuss:
- How Riak’s Map-Reduce differs from other systems and query languages
- How to construct and submit Map-Reduce queries
- Filtering, extracting, transforming, aggregating, and sorting data
- Understanding the efficiency of various types of queries
- Building and deploying reusable Map-Reduce function libraries
We’ll cover the above topics in conjunction with practical examples from sample applications. The presentation will last 30 to 45 minutes, with time for questions at the end.
Fill in the form below if you want to get started building applications with Map/Reduce on top of Riak!
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